Born in Seoul, 1988, Korea
Video reportage of Artiste KANG Kun
2015 from Lechassis on Vimeo
2020 Solo exhibition support for visual art, Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation, Korea
2019 Creative activity support for visual art, Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation, Korea
2017 MFA, École nationale supérieure d'art de Paris-Cergy, France
Selected, Miniartextil 27e edition, Como, Italy
Selected, Trophée Boesner 2017, Boesner, Bordeaux, France
2016 Nominated, Artagon Prize II, Paris, France
Grand prize, Asia contemporary young artist award, Gwanghwamun International Art Festival 2015, Seoul, Korea
2015 Audience prize and Special prize of LeChassis, Dauphine Prize for contemporary art, Paris, France
BFA, École européenne supérieure d’art de Bretagne - site de Rennes, France
Art Residency
2020 Gachang art studio, Daegu, Korea
2019 Gyeongnam art creative center, Sancheong, Korea
2020 Amoeba , Rund Gallery, Séoul, Korea
Other other, Space Gachang, Daegu, Korea
2019 반.사.인 (Antisocial man), Cyart Space, Seoul, Korea
Social Clone, Solo show, Art Space O, Seoul, Korea
2016 Etranger, Solo show, Yohann Gallery, Paris
2020 Screenshot-Hashtag#, Sungsan Art Hall, Changwon, Korea
Familiar unfamiliarity, Dalseong-gun Office, Daegu, Korea
Real and virtual on the border, Daegu, Korea
2019 What we see at this time, Sungsan Art Hall, Changwon, Korea
The Art of Possible, Goyang Aramnuri, Aram art museum, Goyang, Korea
Break, Poolmoo culture space, Changwon, Korea
HEAT Asian Contemporary Art Festival, IESA, Paris, France
Between (Duo Exhibition), Art Chen gallery, Seoul, Korea
Spring of Art (Gyeongnam creative art center invitational exhibition), Sancheong Museum, Sancheong, Korea
4th New Drawing Project, Yangju City Chang Ucchin Museum of Art, Yangju, Korea
2018 Who i am ?, Duo Exhibition, Cité des arts, Chanmbéry, France
Journey of Art, Contemporary Art Festival, Group show, The Celestine Church and The Cloister Saint Louis, Avignon, France
Biennal Salon Textile Object, Group show, La Manufacture, Museum of Memory and Textile Creation, Roubaix, France
Thread or Fiber, Group show, L’Abbaye Saint-André, Contemporary art center of Meymac, France
Linen and Fiber Art Festival, Group show, Tourist Office, Le Bourg-Dun, Normandie, France
Borderline, Group show, Museum of Textiles and Industry, Busto Asizio, Italy
Borderline, Group show, Château du Val Fleury, Gif-sur-yvette, France
CRAC 2018, Biennale d'art actuels 16ème édition, Exposition collective, Salle Jean-Morlet, Champigny-sur-Marne, France
27eme edition Miniartextil, Group show, Le Beffroi, Montrouge, France
2017 Borderline, Group show, Church of St. Francis, Como, Italy
Digital Exartcise II, Group show, Le 100ecs, Paris
Confrontation ( curator : Lisa Toubas ), Duo Exhibition, Crous Gallery, Paris
Trophée Boesner 2017, Group show, Saint Rémi space, Bordeaux, France
2016 L'Homme, Group show, Artasia center, Paris, France
As'île, Group show, L'annexe des portes, Île de Ré, France
Untitled, Duo Exhibition, Plein-Jour Gallery, Douarnenez, France
Salon de Gwanghwamun, Group show, Sejong museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
Prends moi !, Group show of Fanantikart, Ourcq blanc, Paris
Prix Artagon II, Group show, Passage de Retz, Paris
Mille Feuillets VI, Group show, Galerie Ygrec, Paris
Cabinet Da-End 06, Group show, Galerie Da-End, Paris
2015 Asia contemporary young artist award, Group show, Sejong museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
Lechassis X Ground Control, Group show, Le Ground Control, Paris
Winners of Dauphine Prize for contemporary art, Group show, Crous Gallery, Paris
Summershow#2, Group show, Praticable Gallery, Rennes, France
Summershow#1, Group show, EESAB - site de Rennes, France
Dauphine Prize for contemporary art, Group show, University of Paris Dauphine, Paris
Centre Artasia Paris, France
Private collections in Europe
2018 Tête d'épingles-L'image du jour, Le Quotidien de l'Art, 24 octobre 2018 - Articles de presse
Dix ans de Co-errance, EESAB, Rennes, France - Édition_972370220257
Parcours de l'art, Festival d'art contemporain, Avignon, France
Curiosités contemporaines, Revue Point contemporain hors-série, Juin 2018, France
Festival du Lin et de la Fibre Artistique, Vallée du Dun, France
CRAC 2018, 16ème biennale d'arts actuels de Champigny, France - Catalogue
2017 Borderline, Miniartextil XXVII Mostra internazionale di arte contemporanea, ARTE & ARTE, Italie - Édition
Boesner, édition 2017-2018, France- Édition
2016 人 ( rén ), L'homme, Centre Artasia Paris, Paris, France - Catalogue
As'ile, première exposition à l'annexe des portes, Le phare de Ré, 03 août 2016 - Articles de presse
Salon de Gwanghwamun, Gwanghwamun International Art Festival, 2016, Séoul, Corée du sud
Deux artistes coréens dans la galerie Plein Jour, Ouest france, 19 mai 2016, France - Articles de presse
2015 Chanson d'amour de Gwanghwamun, Gwanghwamun International Art Festival, 2015, Séoul, Corée du sud - Édition
2017 News Art Today TV (Confrontation, Exposition duo, Galerie du Crous, Paris)
2016 News Art Today TV (L'étranger, Exposition personnelle, Yohann Gallery, Paris)
2015 Le Chassis (Reportage personnel realisé par Le Chassis, Prix dauphine pour l'art contemporain)